Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Study of the mind essays
Study of the mind essays Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and cognition. Within the study of psychology there are several approaches that are used in order to understand the study of behavior, cognition and its theories such as the humanistic and socioculture approaches which were developed as a feedback to the limitations of psychodynamic theories when Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, and later Jean Piaget and Lev Vigotsky found that psychoanalysis could not be used to explain the phenomena of human behavior and mental development. The evolution of new approaches was related to the positive accepting of mental development, to the critique and the rejection of determinism of psychodynamic theories. The humanistic and socioculture approaches to psychology have its own merits and demerits. In this concise review we will compare and contrast the humanistic approach where psychologist use the approach to stress that people are unique and complex organisms and emphasize that each person has a capacit y to his or hers maximum potential and the socioculture approach which emphasizes the importance of culture, gender and ethnicity in understanding how we think, feel and act (Pettijohn T. 1998). The sharpest distinction of the humanistic approach is the emphasis on subjective meaning and the key idea of self-actualization. Humanistic psychologists believe that behavior is primarily determined by personal perception and that the individuals have intrinsic motivation to perform their human potential. Some authors (Doi A., Ikemi A. (2003)) wrote that the central issue in humanistic psychology is the feeling process which occurs in interaction. Today the humanistic approach is used widely in psychology, pedagogic and sociology. If we use the database ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) one will retrieve nearly 1500 publications (439 of the articles in the professional journals) for the keywords humanistic AND approach&...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Miguel de Cervantes, Influential Spanish Novelist
Miguel de Cervantes, Influential Spanish Novelist No name is more associated with Spanish literature- and perhaps with classic literature in general- than that of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. He was the author of El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, which is sometimes referred to as the first European novel and which has been translated into nearly every major language, making it one of the most widely distributed books after the Bible. Cervantes Contribution to Literature Although few people in the English-speaking world have read Don Quijote in its original Spanish, it nevertheless has had its influence on the English language, giving us expressions such as the pot calling the kettle black, tilting at windmills, a wild-goose chase and the skys the limit. Also, our word quixotic originated from the name of the title character. (Quijote is often spelled as Quixote.) Despite his immense contributions to world literature, Cervantes never became wealthy as a result of his work, and not much is known about the early parts of his life. He was born in 1547 as the son of surgeon Rodrigo de Cervantes in Alcal de Henares, a small town near Madrid; it is believed that his mother, Leonor de Cortinas, was the descendant of Jews who had converted to Christianity. A Brief Biography of Cervantes As a young boy Cervantes moved from town to town as his father sought work; later he would study in Madrid under Juan Là ³pez de Hoyos, a well-known humanist, and in 1570 he went to Rome to study. Ever loyal to Spain, Cervantes joined a Spanish regiment in Naples and received a wound in a battle at Lepanco that permanently injured his left hand. As a result, he picked up the nickname of el manco de Lepanto (the cripple of Lepanco). His battle injury was only the first of Cervantes troubles. He and his brother Rodrigo were on a ship that was captured by pirates in 1575. It wasnt until five years later that Cervantes was released - but only after four unsuccessful escape attempts and after his family and friends raised 500 escudos, an enormous sum of money that would drain the family financially, as ransom. Cervantes first play, Los tratos de Argel (The Treatments of Algiers), was based on his experiences as a captive, as was the later Los baà ±os de Argel (The Baths of Algiers). In 1584 Cervantes married the much younger Catalina de Salazar y Palacios; they had no children, although he had a daughter from an affair with an actress. A few years later, Cervantes left his wife, faced severe financial difficulties, and was jailed at least three times (once as a murder suspect, although there was insufficient evidence to try him). He eventually settled in Madrid in 1606, shortly after the first part of Don Quijote was published. Although publication of the novel didnt make Cervantes rich, it eased his financial burden and gave him recognition and the ability to devote more time to writing. He published the second part of Don Quijote in 1615 and wrote dozens of other plays, short stories, novels, and poems (although many critics have little good to say about his poetry). Cervantes final novel was Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda (The Exploits of Persiles and Sigismunda), published three days before his death on April 23, 1616. Coincidentally, Cervantes date of death is the same as William Shakespeares, although in reality Cervantes death came 10 days sooner because Spain and England used different calendars at the time. Quick - name a fictional character from a literary work written about 400 years ago. Since youre reading this page, you probably had little difficulty coming up with Don Quijote, the title character of Miguel de Cervantes famous novel. But how many others could you name? Except for characters developed by William Shakespeare, probably few or none. At least in Western cultures, Cervantes pioneering novel, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, is one of the few that has been popular for so long. It has been translated into nearly every major language, inspired some 40 motion pictures, and added words and phrases to our vocabulary. In the English-speaking world, Quijote is easily the most well-known literary figure who was the product of a non-English-speaking author in the past 500 years. Clearly, Quijotes character has endured, even if few people today read the entire novel except as a part of college coursework. Why? Perhaps it is because there is something in most of us that, like Quijote, cant always distinguish totally between reality and the imagination. Perhaps its because of our idealistic ambitions, and we like seeing someone continuing to strive despite the disappointments of reality. Perhaps its simply because we can laugh at a part of ourselves in the numerous humorous incidents that happen during Quijotes life. A Quick Look at Don Quixote Here is a brief overview of the novel that might give you some idea what to expect if you decide to tackle Cervantes monumental work: Plot Summary The title character, a middle-aged gentleman from the La Mancha region of Spain, becomes enchanted with the idea of chivalry and decides to seek adventure. Eventually, he is accompanied by a sidekick, Sancho Panza. With a dilapidated horse and equipment, together they seek glory, adventure, often in the honor of Dulcinea, Quijotes love. Quijote doesnt always act honorably, however, and neither do many of the other minor characters in the novel. Eventually Quijote is brought down to reality and dies shortly thereafter. Major Characters The title character, Don Quijote, is far from static; indeed, he reinvents himself several times. He often is a victim of his own delusions and undergoes metamorphoses as he gains or loses touch with reality. The sidekick, Sancho Panza, may be the most complex figure in the novel. Not particularly sophisticated, Panza struggles with his attitudes toward Quijote and eventually becomes his most loyal companion despite repeated arguments. Dulcinea is the character that is never seen, for she was born in Quijotes imagination (although modeled after a real person). Novel Structure Quijotes novel, while not the first novel written, nevertheless had little on which it could be modeled. Modern readers may find the episodic novel too long and redundant as well as inconsistent in style. Some of the novels quirks are intentional (in fact, some portions of the latter parts of the book were written in response to public comments on the portion that was published first), while others are products of the times. Reference: Proyecto Cervantes, Miguel de Cervantes 1547-1616, Hispanos Famosos. Quick Takeaways Miguel de Cervantes was one of the most influential writers of all times, writing the first major European novel and contributing to both the Spanish and English languages.Although known best for Don Quijote, Cervantes also wrote dozens of other novels, short stories, poems, and plays.The main characters of Don Quijote are the title character; his sidekick, Sancho Panza; and Dulcinea, who lives in Quijotes imagination.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Doing business globally and internationally Essay
Doing business globally and internationally - Essay Example Seemingly, its merger with the Russian TNK has faced distinct challenges. It is against this background that this paper reviews the implications of the TNK-BP deal from varied perspectives. Part A Question 1: In order for an organization to perform optimally in an international environment, Thomas and Inkson (2009) posit that it needs to actively engage the locals in its operations. From this point of view, this can be used to explain why BP chose to enter into partnership with TNK. Partnering with a local company would enable it pursue its operations in a sustainable manner. This is because local parners understand the local environment better and can enable the company to explore emergent market niches in a timely manner. To a great extent, this was a demonstration of corporate social responsibility by the BP Company. Seemingly, TNK is comprised of local partners who are financially endowed. At this point, it can be argued that these are representative of both the majority and mino rity factions of the corporate community. In his research, Peng (2003) cites that a more inclusive approach to partnership by international firms yields better outcomes. By including partners from diverse backgrounds, BP sought to minimize market resistance and explore any opportunities optimally. In return, the locals would have a chance to share in the economic benefits of the company. Another reason that influenced BP’s decision to partner with TNA pertains to the financial stability of its members. From a theoretical point of view, Peterson (2004) argues that in the current business environment, a financially stable partner is comparatively more desirable than his or her counterpart. In this regard, some of the partners in TNK are reportedly billionaires with global investments. A typical example in this regard is the Russian tycoon Vekselberg. Arguably, it was sure about economic success and future sustenance. Thus the economic stability of these partners greatly influen ced the decision of BP. The equal interests in the Verkhnechonsk, Rospan and Kovykta fields that BP had with TNK could also have informed BP’s decision to partner with TNK. Both partners contributed holdings in Russia Petroleum and SIDANCO. From these initiatives, it can be argued that they had similar economic interests. This demonstrates their interests to explore similar market niches. In this regard, BP thought it wise to invest with a partner that that had similar economic interests like him. In their review, Phatk, Bhagat and Kashlak (2008) indicate that in such an arrangement, it would be easier to make business deals and implement them accordingly. Upon merging, this would save the company significant resources that it would use to source for manpower. The fact that the two companies initially ventured in similar businesses implies that they had sufficient manpower from which they would source their human resource upon merging. Question 2: As aforementioned, the busin ess environment from an international point of view is very competitive. Thus once and corporate agency has identified a market niche in a foreign country, it needs to take all practical measures to safeguard this. Although BP wanted to include local firms in its operations, as one of the strategies of enhancing
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Serial Killer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Serial Killer - Research Paper Example His brutality can be analyzed from the fact that he labeled the spraying of cyanide on to his prey as the best killing option that he liked. Richard Kuklinski was a criminal who did not feel guilty about his acts. His dark childhood laid an impact on his future killings (Holmes et al 2009; Martin 2006). Richard Kuklinski was born to Anna and Stanley Kuklinski. They belonged to a low income household. His father was an alcoholic and his mother was a Catholic and a strong follower of her religion. He received many beatings at the hands of his father and his mother. The cruelty with which his father used to beat the children can be analyzed from the fact that his beatings resulted in the death of one of Richard’s siblings. Thus, Richard was brought up in a very disturbed household. His childhood was not only darkened by the trauma that he had to suffer at his house, but Richard was also the victim of the bullies of his neighborhood (Shaw 2008). The instillation of violence in his character began at an early age. He used to make the cats of his neighborhood as the victim of his violence. He committed his first murder at the bare age of 14. He killed a boy named Johnny who was bullying him by using a cue stick as his weapon. His first killing raised his spirits and he continued this act of killing anyone who displeased him. He got married to a woman named Barbara at the age of 26 years. He then adapted the criminal path for his livelihood. He first sold pornographic material and later he became a hit man for the Gambino family. He fell in the hands of the police authorities in the year 1986 during a major crackdown operation (Holmes et al 2009; Martin 2006). The differential association theory of crime truly depicts the character of Richard Kuklinski. The differential association theory puts forward the fact that a person is directed towards committing of crime from what he learns and sees. This can be understood as Richard was instilled with
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Extension 2 English Proposal Essay Example for Free
Extension 2 English Proposal Essay The audience of my major work will be firstly experienced English teachers for marking. The story itself will be aimed however at an audience of teen years and above, preferably interested in modern history. Any readers of a younger age may lack the necessary understanding of the context of my piece, and thus may not be able to understand the decisions and feelings of characters in the piece. The story will aim to incite passionate questions of the actions and experiences of my characters in the mind of the reader, as well as an emotional response based on the life and personal experiences of the reader. For instance, if they have experienced the death of a family member, they may identify with the emotions of my characters. Purpose/Statement of Intent After much deliberation, I propose to compose a prose fiction short story based on the experiences of fictional guard in Dachau concentration camp during WWII. I came across this idea when studying for the text Romulus, My father from the English Advanced course. Part of this text describes the main character Romulus and his lover Christina living in Nazi Germany, and I was reading through articles on the Internet regarding various leaders of the regime. This led me to reading letters between various concentration camp officials and Heinrich Himmler, the then leader of the SS, and high-ranking Nazi general. The writing is so simply put that it somewhat masks the cruel and indifferent intention of the letters. After reading through these letters, I came to ask myself How does a human being come to take these attitudes, and how could a person become seemingly so cruel and twisted, without any apparent conscience? What sort of life has this person lived, and what are their thoughts? Did they ever face struggle in their minds for the decisions they made? From this, I devised a perspective for a piece; the perspective of a male guard in a concentration camp. But not just any ruthless guard. I want to write about a rather troubled guard. A complex character that over the course of the piece actually begins to question the morality of his actions and thoughts. I want the reader to feel both anger towards the actions of this beast, but also at different times sympathy for his predicament. I want the reader to question their understanding of morality, and to put themselves in the shoes of this man. Concept The form will be fictional short story, in prose. However, I plan to include real correspondence between military officials of the camp from the time. I wanted to use this idea to give the story some real meaning, and to remind the audience that people just like my character did exist. Most of the piece will be in third person, but I will include monologues of the characters thought processes. During scenes of increased tension, for example when the man is ordered to shoot a prisoner, I will include in between the dialogue the thoughts of the guard himself. This will hopefully engage the reader in the scene, rather than the reader being a fly on the wall, which would leave a wall between the reader and the characters. I would like to vary the style of language used, from short and punchy for tension and emotion to long and reflective for the monologues. Inspiration I chose to write a story on the holocaust because it is something that I would enjoy researching in detail, absorbing every scrap of information, and also I think it would be challenging to confront on my own terms. Reading the information I have already come across, I cant help but feel so lucky to live in a free country, and in such a privileged life. A life where I am free to do what I choose, including writing this piece. I visited Dachau concentration camp in 2003, and this experience had a great effect on me. The feelings of disgust and general confusion as to how this could happen has probably lead me to be so interested in studying the topic today. I will use this experience to describe the surrounds of the setting, and some of the experiences of the prisoners. The following is an extract of a speech given by Himmler regarding the extermination of the Jews. Reading it today, I find it strange and foreign. To better understand why Himmler would take this approach to the extermination of a whole race, I will have to research the culture and attitudes of his time in-depth. Also, the ideas held by this quote is what I want to base my characters questioning on. I also want to mention a very difficult subject before you here, completely openly. It should be discussed amongst us, and yet, nevertheless, we will never speak about it in public. I am talking about the Jewish evacuation: the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. The Jewish people are being exterminated, every Party member will tell you: Perfectly clear, its part of our plans, were eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, ha! , a small matter. -Heinrich Himmler, 4 October 1943 Links to Advanced Extension The idea for my piece came from researching the text Romulus, my father, in the Advanced course. The piece will specifically tie-in with the concept of belonging in many ways. For example, my main character will be in a position where he is forced to belong to the regime, and to his position and rank. If he chooses to disagree with his superiors, or the regime itself, he will be shot. Also, nature of the holocaust relates directly to belonging, as anyone who belonged to the Jewish religion, was a gypsy or was disabled was persecuted and often killed by the Nazi regime. The regime aimed to wipe-out all those who, in the eyes of the officials, did not fit the requirements of a pure society based on the Aryan legend. However, the piece does not necessarily link to the topic of crime writing in the Extension 1 course in any way. Research I have read many articles and letters on various websites, which have been very detailed and very helpful in giving me a broad account of events and people surrounding the Nazi regime. However, I will need to continue to research further in-depth into the holocaust and in particular the events and nature of the Dachau camp. I also plan to read Anne Franks Diary of a girl, to further understand the experience of life in a concentration camp. This text should provide the experience of a prisoner, with which I can use to contrast the ideals and experience of the guard. Over the holidays I will make a visit to the state library to find historical diaries and personal accounts of experiences in concentration camps.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Developmental Profile :: Teaching Education
Developmental Profile Developmental Profile for Adolescents Physical Characteristics 1. Concerning boys in this period, in general the penis and scrotum get much larger, hair appears in the axillae and in the pubic area, the voice begins to deepen, and the spurt of height and weight begins. This period, for girls, is a time of rounding out and completing major changes in the secondary sex characteristics. For example, most have begun menstruation and the weight and height gains have slowed down (Babcock, 1967). 2. Puberty is set into action by the increase of the hormone testosterone in males and estrogen in females (Rathus, et al., 1986). 3. The primary sex characteristics enlarge and mature: in males--the testes, prostate gland, penis and seminal vesicles, in females--the ovaries, uterus and vagina (Papalia, et al., 1998). 4. Acne develops in some adolescents, due to the change in hormones, and can last well into adulthood (Edelman, et al., 1994). 5. Toward the end of puberty, menarche in girls and ejaculation in boys signals reproductive potential. Puberty that is early or late can be stressful, although the specifics depend on gender, personality, and culture (Berger, 1998). Intellectual Characteristics 1. According to Piaget, adolescents enter the highest level of cognitive development--formal operations--when they develop the capacity for abstract thought (Papalia, et al., 1998). 2. An adolescent may be adult in his ability to reason and vote, but he's more childish in his attitude toward sex and marriage (Babcock, 1967). 3. Adolescent egocentrism, along with feelings of uniqueness and invincibility, can cloud judgment, as well as make them extraordinarily self-absorbed (Berger, 1998). 4. The specific intellectual advancement of each teenager depends greatly on education. Each culture and each school emphasizes different subjects, values, and modes of thinking, a variation which makes some adolescents much more sophisticated in their thoughts and behavior than others (Berger, 1998). 5. Erickson's Theory of identity vs. identity confusion emerges. This is involves the adolescent determining his/her own sense of self or experience confusion about roles (Edelman, et al., 1994). Socio-Emotional (Behavioral) 1. Some young adolescent girls, more so than boys, are dealing with eating disorders such as Bulimia and Anorexia (Papalia, et al., 1998). 2. Sexual activity rises for a variety of reasons, such as, seeking affection, peer pressure, as a symbol of maturity, spontaneous experimentation, to feel close, and because it feels good (Edelman, et al., 1994). 3. Given the restrictions placed on adolescents, their yearning for independence, and a sex drive heightened by high levels of sex hormones, it is not surprising that many adolescents report frequent conflict with their families (Rathus, et al.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mindset Case Study Essay
I read the Mindset book by Carol S, Dweck. This book really made me think and reflect about what kind of person I am. It focuses mostly on the benefits of having a growth mindset and the downside of having a fixed mindset. I learned a lot about how you can grow as a person instead of failing and giving up. Most of the most successful people are people with the growth mindset who learn from their mistakes and apply it to their career or everyday life. I use to believe that some peoples born talents are better than those who work harder but are not as naturally good. For example Michael Jordan got cut from his high school basketball team. Instead of giving up after he was told he wasn’t good enough that motivated him more and he worked hard and improved and eventually became one of the most talented basketball players in NBA history. One thing that I disliked was that the writer focused on the positive of the growth mindset when sometimes the fixed mindset can be useful. It sounds like common-sense but it is in how it carefully uses both biographical data and scientific research to strengthen the reader’s understanding of the true implications of this finding. After I read ‘Mindset’, I understood much better why John McEnroe was famous for his tantrums (he had a very fixed mindset, a tennis loss meant that he was inherently worthless, that he was, permanently and in all aspects of life, a ‘loser’), as well as why a four-star chef like Bernard Loiseau committed suicide. I learned that Chinese students who think that intelligence is unalterable don’t follow remedial English courses, but also that American medical students who believe in innate ability flunk chemistry much more often than students who consider early failure as a sign that they haven’t worked hard enough or that they should try other learning strategies. I also learned some things that are counterintuitive, such that you should never praise children for being smart or talented. I knew I liked the book from the beginning because it had situations I could relate to and made me actually think about my life and how I can become the best I can be.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Language-rich classroom
It is necessary to admit that acquisition of new words shouldn’t be only particular stage in child development. Developing language skills is very important stage in literacy development of every child. Children acquire new words through everyday interactions with parents, friends and school teachers. Recent researches suggest that â€Å"number of words spoken to children in the first three years of life and the quality of the feedback they receive have a significant impact on their success in school†. (Lynn 1997) Many researchers and psychologists claim that children should be placed in language-rich environment to develop their skills better and faster. Language-rich environment at school is of great importance because children are provided with abundance of environmental print and text to practice reading, as well as they face written and oral language. Furthermore, children are allowed to ask for support of parents or caregivers. Such classrooms increase children’s awareness and help to develop alphabetic principles and enrich vocabulary. The role of a teacher in such classroom is integral as he/she supplies children with necessary textbooks and other materials. Distinguished feature of such classroom is that teachers don’t criticize their students; instead, they encourage them and involve in writing and reading activities. Conversation is an essential part of language-rich environment. The main characteristics of language-rich classroom are the following: 1.  teachers read books aloud every day because reading motivates conversation and, therefore, children develop new vocabulary, sentence structures, and they overcome fear to speak aloud; 2.  teachers encourage pretend talk and pretend play because opening â€Å"the frame of reference into the world of pretend gives additional opportunity for new vocabulary and predicting skills†; (What Are The Features 2006) 3.  teachers value children’ efforts and options meaning that teachers ask children to support their hypothesis or claim; it will help to develop though process and make children to defend their position and extend their thinking; 4.  children are treated as people with interesting and extraordinary experience meaning that children are encouraged during their mealtime or play time to discuss interesting moments with each other; (What Are The Features 2006) 5.  teachers introduce words – they can be written of every object in a classroom. There are many instructional strategies how to support language-rich environment. For example, teachers should speak slowly at first and shouldn’t distort their language. Nevertheless, two strategies seem to be of top priority in every classroom. Firstly, teachers should label every object in classroom because it will help newcomers to understand the meanings of the objects at school. Secondly, teachers school from the very beginning of the studies to assign classroom duties among all students because it will help them to consider themselves part of the classroom. Duties will also develop the sense of duty and responsibility. It goes without saying that all strategies suggest that students should be praised for their work, eve if the task is very simply. (Literacy Development 2004) Finally, parents and caregivers should be also interested and encourage taking part in children’s development. Researchers say that children who communicate with parents every day develop language skills better than children who don’t. Therefore, parent should understand that their children are interesting personality and they want to develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. Parents should talk to their children, firstly, about children’s everyday experiences and activities, ask them to describe object, relations with other students. Parent should consider that children are fond of pretend play and should make up stories and poems with them. Drawing and scribbling are the best ways to encourage writing. (What Are The Features 2006) References Lynn, Leon. (1997). Language-Rich Home and School Environments Are Key to Reading Success. Retrieved July 12, 2007, from http://www.edletter.org/past/issues/1997-ja/language.shtml Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Odessy essays
The Odessy essays An epic hero is a larger than life figure who embodies the ideals of a nation or race. Epic heros take part in long dangerous adventures and accoplish great deeds, requireing great courage and super human strength. In my opinion I don't think that Odysseus is an epic hero. He isn't an epic hero because the only quality he has is great courage and that isn't much. He didn't save anybody, he cheated on his wife and almost got imself killed. In book 9 Odysseus and his men land on the island of the Cyclopes. They spot a cave and they decide to go and explore it. They find cheeses and pens crowded with lambs. His crew suggests that they take the things and run, but Odysseus was stubborn and styaed in the cave. Odysseus loses two men to the cyclopes. When he eventually outsmarts the cyclopes and gets out of the cave. He yells from his ship and makes fun of the cyclops. The cyclopes then picks up a boulder and throws it at the ship misses and a huge wave sends them almost all the way back to the shore. In the next book, book 10, Odysseus lands on the island of the goddess Circe. He sends half of his men to go and explore the island. The men found a house with wolves and mountain lions that acted like house pets. They entered the great hall , and were fed and seated in lounging chairs. She gave them wine that made them turn into animals. When this happened Eurylochus went back and told Odysseus what happened and said that they should leave and not to go back for the others. Odysseus should have listened to Eurylochus because she made them forget of home and that was another year they spent fooling around. Then in book 12 Odysseus is faced with a challenge. He has to make a choice between Scylla the sea monster that look s like a dragon with 6 heads, or Charybdis the toliet bowl monster. If he chose Scylla the he would lose 6 of his men for sure, if he chose Charybdis then he would either lose all or none of his men inckuding h ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Caffeine Typing Speed - Sample Science Fair Projects
Caffeine Typing Speed - Sample Science Fair Projects Purpose The purpose of this project is to determine whether taking caffeine affects typing speed. Hypothesis Typing speed is not affected by whether or not you take caffeine. (Remember: You cannot scientifically prove a hypothesis, however, you can disprove one.) Experiment Summary You are going to type the same text repeatedly for a specified length of time and compare how many words you typed before ingesting caffeine and afterward. Materials computera drink containing caffeine and another drink of the same type that does not contain caffeine (e.g., coffee and decaf coffee, diet cola and decaf diet cola)stopwatch or timer Experimental Procedure Drink the non-caffeinated beverage. Wait 30 minutes.Type The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. as many times as you can for 2 minutes. If you can, type using a word processing program that keeps track of how many words you have entered.Drink the caffeinated beverage. Wait 30 minutes. (The peak effects from taking caffeine tend to be felt around 30-45 minutes after taking it.)Type The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. as many times as you can for 2 minutes.Compare the number of words you typed. Calculate words per minute by dividing the total number of words that were typed by the number of minutes (e.g., 120 words in 2 minutes would be 60 words per minute).Repeat the experiment, preferably a total of at least three times. Data Construct a table stating the type of drink and the number of words you could type in 2 minutes.Calculate your average typing speed (words per minute) for each drink. Results Did taking caffeine affect how quickly you could type? If it did, did you type more or fewer words under the influence of caffeine? Conclusions Was your hypothesis accepted or rejected? Can you propose an explanation for the outcome?Do you think you would get the same results if you had tested the effects of the caffeinated beverage first? Caffeine stays in your system for a few hours. When it wears off, some people report feeling crashed instead of normal.How do you think the results would be affected by changing the amount of caffeine? What do you think would happen if you took too much caffeine?Do you think you became better at typing the test sentence over time?If your word processor can track typing errors, did you note any difference in the accuracy of your typing after drinking the caffeinated beverage? Could you propose a hypothesis about the effect of caffeine use on typing accuracy? Things to Think About Caffeine occurs naturally in over 50 different types of plants, including coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans, and kola nuts.Caffeine acts as a mild stimulant. Some studies have shown that taking caffeine may temporarily increase concentration, reasoning, and memory. However, the effects of caffeine wear off after a few hours and if you routinely take caffeine you will need to take more to get the same effect.Most adults are exposed to caffeine in coffee and energy drinks. Children are likely to get caffeine from energy drinks, soft drinks, tea, and chocolate. Amount of Caffeine in Common Products Product Caffeine (mg) coffee (8 oz) 65 - 120 Red Bull (8.2 oz) 80 tea (8 oz) 20 - 90 cola (8 oz) 20 - 40 dark chocolate (1 oz) 5 - 40 milk chocolate (1 oz) 1 - 15 chocolate milk (8 oz) 2 - 7 decaf coffee (8 oz) 2 - 4
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Exam on the book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exam on the book - Essay Example The thesis statement comes out strongly and is the point where the reader starts out on a long journey with Craig. However, from the start a weakness in the work is evident; it narrates political activities more like any other. It lacks the uniqueness and distinctiveness in the field of politics. Craig successfully introduces every part with determinations from German verses that catch the topic of the period. The creator sets the tone of his story by portraying Germany, not as the regular Faust, but instead as Hamlet, who symbolizes the lethally hesitant nature of German seeking to progress the nation. The nature of this political and social radicalism ended up being controlled by the rulers, dreadful of the masses, meek and isolated. Craig has used symbols all along his document; In 1866 Hamlet offers approach to Fortinbras, who symbolizes the egotism and inflexibility of Bismarckian and Wilhelmina Germany (Gordon). Craig successfully draws the attention of the book on political, individual, and social topics against scenery of social and monetary powers that places Craig in the extraordinary convention of liberal German historiography. The deeper understanding evoked here helps learners to understand clearly and is more convincing because it is well articulated. At the beginning of his excitingly composed story, Craig feels legitimately obliged to restore the antiquated accentuation on the part of identities from its close blankness because of social and financial students of history. Craig starts the story with the Prussian triumph over Austria in 1866 using a language full of war activities and introduces the concept of victory catching the attention of the reader. It made conceivable Otto von Bismarcks remarkable achievement of saving the tyrant structure of Prussia-Germany in an advanced world that was developing towards a more libertarian structures (Gordon). It is from the insufficiency of Bismarcks answers that
Friday, November 1, 2019
Critical Thinking envi 423 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Critical Thinking envi 423 - Essay Example The US economy and particularly the value of dollar is very much dependent on the oil of the Middle East and this is the reason; she gives priority to Saudi Arabia and Israel in her foreign policy. All the readings provided during this course were marvelous and has the greatest intellect value. Moreover, the course contributed to enhance my world view and helped me to develop the analytical skill to understand the events in details. However, the following three issues contributed significantly to my learning in this course: The present age is called the ‘era of information’. Media that includes television channels, radio, newspapers, magazines, journals and World Wide Web is busy in generating knowledge for viewers, audiences and readers. The media has its own shortcomings and hence it moulds the information as it suits itself or its country. Every piece of reading or broadcast has some sort of information but this cannot be declared authentic or we can call it ‘disinformation’. Resultantly, the world view based on this ‘disinformation’ would definitely lead astray. Junline Assange coined the term ‘scientific journalism’ to deal with this menace but still this is a utopia. prolific speeches by professional orators, logical argumentations and misuse of even true information have become the hall mark of the present day media. Moreover, entertainment industry has become the largest industry of the world and even education is also being imparted through t he modern techniques of entertainment which led to the creation of new term of ‘infotainment’. All this entertainment stuff and dazzling media satisfies the sensory needs of human being and does not invoke contemplation. This fuss will end up with the emergence of psychological problems, and ideological width among human beings. There is a dire need to rein the media as it is taking undue benefit of its liberty under the tag of media freedom. Another issue that contributed
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