Monday, January 27, 2020
Examine functionalism explanations of socialisation
Examine functionalism explanations of socialisation Examine functionalism explanations of socialisation within the family Functionalists believe in the concept that of consensus and that that the family is at the heart of society, and is the key attribute in keeping society in an orderly and efficient manner. They also believe that hold the view that the nuclear family best suits the for anan advanced industrial society because it is more mobile to move from different areas thsan the traditional extended family because there a ferwer people making it economically viable,(Parsons nuclear isolated family theory.There view of the nuclear family comprises of the economi provider breadwinner husband (instrumental superior) and dependant wife (expressive superior) and children. Sociologists such as Durkheim have developed the functionalistic approach towards the family. Most of the sociloisdts coming from the United States. Functionalism is a theory that explains the role of the family within society- functionalists acknowledge the positive aspects of society and look at society on a macro scale. The family is a unit which workers for the efficiency and stabilisation of society. Functionalism is based on the belief of consensus, for example we are socialised on the norms of society- from what is right and from what is wrong. Early sociologists such as Durkheim (1858-1917) recognized how organic solidarity could be used to explain some social institutions and behaviours Durkheim stated that there were two types of solidarity, (mechanical and organic) mechanical solidarity being characterised by the division of labour yet this was deemed problematic by Durkheim. Organic solidarity on the other hand is when individuals see society as interdependent which according to Durkheim is essential for modern society to avoid anomie. Functionalist therefore are of the belief that every institution contributes to the smooth running of society- in particular the family being the most prominent function that keeps society from anarchy by producing social actors that are socialised stable individuals. The American social scientist Murdock thoroughly analysed two hundred and fifty societies and claimed that some sort of family existed in every form of society and therefore concluded that from his evidence that the family is universal. He refers to the family as a social group characterised by common residence, economic co-operation and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of sexually cohabiting adults. He argues that the sexual and reproductive functions are essential. If reproduction did not take place there would be no members of society; it prevents disruptive effects on social order that would normally result if the sexual urges were allowed free-play. The family provides control and expression. Murdock also states that without the economic function no preparation and provision of food would take place his believes that the economic aspect of the family is enhan ced when the persons live together. Despite Murdocks thorough research of societies and observations of the family, his theory of the universal functions of the family have undergone numerous criticisms; many having the similar tone that there are many different types of families for example single parented families which are just as functional as the ideal nuclear family and in some circumstances have a better relationship with the child as there is more trust and responsibility delegated to the child. One critic stated the contents of values is culturally and historically specific and variable, and is no way universal. However Murdocks era also has to be taken into account when considering his theory, as the nuclear family was deemed the norm and he would have been socialised to be compatible with that concept. Parson is of the belief that the basic function of the family is the primary socialization of children so that they can become civilised members of the society he also believes that the family is essential for the stabilization of adult personalities- as it gives the adult opportunity to express signs of stress for example the family could relieve the adult of a stressful day at work. Parsons view was that these two functions were positively correlated because a child can be socialized into a society only if the society was institutionalized and organized into expected role structures which gives the adult stability. Parson despite criticism, believed that the patriarchal family was a strong and stable and consisted of a hierarchy which consisted of the instrumental superior father (husband), the instrumental inferior son (brother), the expressive superior mother (wife) and the inferior expressive superior daughter (sister).This role structure is the normal nuclear family. Parsons makes some assumptions regarding the family, especially regarding specific genders for example the woman is better fitted for the home and the man for more manual labour. Radical feminists argue that Parsons view of the female role in the family is an inaccurate perspective regarding the lives of females and believe that they are oppressed within the home and have to be the stereotypical emotive nurturer due to such theorists as Parson which make them confined to those roles- without there being an actual choice. Parson views the nuclear family as being best fitted for industrialisation for example jobs of today demand a desire for increased education, which means too many children on the become economic liabilities because the time taken to nurture children and the costs of schooling is very expensive. Too many children would not be economically viable which is why the industrialised family has been reduced. The reduction in size means the nuclear family is more geographically and socially mobile. Extended kinship is not needed resulting that extended kin are visited out of choice and not obligation. However this has been debated, it has been argued that specialised jobs such as politicians have to move relocate on demand, the rest of the population which is the majority, can easily remain situated in the same location for a number of years, and that the extended kin remain a fundamental part of the family as they often are in the third generation and pass down their knowledge and culture which in turn is internalised by the children and adults. Parsons work has been criticised by some theorists such as Robert Merton ( who worked in close proximity with Parsons) he argued that the social sciences were not yet ready for such sweeping theory but still had a tremendous amount of work to do gathering data and summarizing research findings with more modest theory. Interactionist theorists criticized functionalism for failing to conceptualize adequately the nature of actors and the process of interaction. Parsons work has been criticized, but has influenced generations of family scholars. Due to Durkheim, the grounds of functionalism were founded, and such social scientists as Murdock and Parsons expanded further of his ideas of the family- that the family socialises an individual through both primary and secondary socialisation, aiding the development of a stable adult character- however the individual is never fully socialised as society is continually evolving society.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
MagRec Inc. Essay
1. If I were the manager I would have pushed for a more moral, honest solution to the problem with Partco. The company should have owned up to the poor quality parts and offer to fix any damaged parts for customers. Even though it would have cost the company time and money, it was the right thing to do. I think that if the company were to explain the situation to Partco- with the one bad batch of parts, and assured them that it wouldn’t happen again and they appreciate their long time business and loyalty- that Partco and MagRec could have agreed on some type of solution. Dinah was looking out for the customers and MagRec’s reputation, which the manager should have been concerned about as well. If I were the manager I would have stuck up for Dinah’s viewpoint. 2. I think Dinah had the right intentions in looking out for the company. I don’t think that she personally should have gone to Partco. I think someone in upper level management should have gone to Partco. Dinah going to Partco put the blame on herself, which in turn caused tension between her co-workers and herself. She should have gone to Pat an addition time and rationally and calmly explained her viewpoint and opinion on how to solve the problem. And if Pat wasn’t going to follow through with a solution that she agreed with, then she should start looking for employment else where, because a company with corrupt ethics is not a good company to affiliate yourself with. 3. The cognitive dissonance theory describes a state of inconsistency between an individual’s attitude and behavior. It is when a person alters their behavior based on conflicting situations. I don’t think this theory applies to Dinah because she didn’t let the conflicting situation alter her behavior, she felt MegRec was acting dishonest and knew it wasn’t right so she informed Partco of the situation, despite the consequences she knew she faced.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Red Bull Energy Drink Essay
* Red Bull can be called as a pioneer in the energy drink category worldwide. In India too, Red Bull was the brand that created the energy drink category. * The brand came into existence in 1984. * The brand came to India in 2003. Although the brand has been keeping a low profile compared to the Cola majors , Red Bull has created a category of energy drinks in the Indian market. 4. Contd. * According to Economic Times ( 30. 05. 08) the energy drink market in India is estimated to be around 100 crores. * The market now has two main players Red Bull and Power Horse. * RB has an assessed market share of 29% of the global market of energy Drinks. * In the U. S. , Red Bull enjoys a 47% share of the energy drink market, and now has a 50% share of the German energy drink market. 5. SWOT Analysis * Market leadership- Within the energy drinks market Red Bull is the industry leader throughout the world. Marketing Efforts- a lot of promotions and well targeted campaigns and sponsorship e. g. formula 1 helps to expand Red bull brand and increase consumer brand awareness. * Strong , fresh & fashionable brand identity. * Strengths 6. Weaknesses * Above-average prices. * Lack of innovation- there are a lot of competitors in the market and they have their own USP which leaves Red Bull behind. * Reliant on small product base- The company only markets one branded product, Red Bull Energy Drink (along with a sugar free variety). * Inexperience: is only 6 years old in India. * Lack of patent on RB ‘s recipe means anyone can copy it. 7. Opportunities * Extension of product line- this will help to retain market share. * Hardcore Advertising and Promotions. * Consumer recognition through sponsorship of sports events. * New ventures like partnership with Facebook. 8. Threats * Health concerns- tougher rules from government on high caffeine content. * Consumer awareness of health and well being- people may start to drink other alternatives as it is associated with healthier life style. * Drinks might not be accepted in the new markets. * Organic energy drinks might steal RB’s market share. 9. Promotion Opportunity Analysis * Competitive Analysis * Opportunity Analysis * Target Market Analysis * Customer Analysis * Market Segmentation Strategy 10. Competitive Analysis 11. Share of Energy Drink Market Red Bull 42. 6 Monster 14. 4 Rockstar 11. 4 Full Throttle 6. 9 Sobe No Fear 5. 4 Amp 3. 6 Sobe Adrenaline Rush 2. 9 Tab Energy 2. 3 Monster XXL 0. 9 Private Label 0. 9 Rip It 0. 8 Sobe Lean 0. 7 BooKoo 0. 5 Sobe Superman 0. 4 Von Dutch 0. 4 12. Real Competition * Redbull’s real competitors are the market leaders of cola companies such as : Pepsi & Coca Cola, who have created their brand leadership since several years in the Indian market. 13. Opportunity Analysis * RB has a niche market & is yet to percolate in the mass market. 14. Target Market Analysis * Core target market segments for RB consists of the core age group of 15 to 60. * Energy drinks with high sugar levels are more popular among children and women, while energy drinks with strong taste and flavor are more preferred by male consumers. * Recent studies also indicated that 65% of the energy drinks market consists of male consumers. 15. Customer Analysis * Young people are especially open to determined exhaustion and insufficient energy. * More specifically male teenagers & people in their 20s, are also most likely to believe in the authenticity of the energy drinks’. * As a result, the majority of energy drinks are developed for and advertised to this younger generation. * Appeal to very specialized groups, such as gamers, extreme sports enthusiasts, and the hip-hop crowd. 16. Target Consumer Demographics Psychographics Usage Behavior Consumption collection Age: 15- 60 Content Image Conscious Influenced Spending Power Youth trends Physically Active Eat Out 25% of Indians 17. Market Segmentation Strategy * RedBull avoided usual methods of marketing, relying more on what is called ‘buzz marketing’ or word-of-mouth. * Red Bull advertised directly to Generation Y , the so-called ‘millennial’: people born after 1981. * ‘ Student brand managers’ who would be used to promote Red Bull on university campuses. These students would be encouraged to throw parties at which cases of Red Bull would be distributed. 18. Corporate Strategies * Mission Statement * Our mission is to be the premier marketer and supplier of * RedBull in Asia, Europe and other parts of the globe. We will * achieve this mission by building long-term relationships with the * people who can make it become a reality. * Vision Statement: * People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. * Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage that anticipate and satisfy people’s desires and needs. * Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. * Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. * Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization. 19. Brand Development Strategy * Great Strategy Begins with Great Research. * Once the brand’s core values have been identified, the road towards effective brand proposition development begins. * Development of the brand statement- commencing a Brand development strategy. 20. 21. Brand Positioning Strategy * Clear, Engaging, Unique, & Relevant to the target audience. * Able to incorporate an element of positive emotional attachment that is better than just "good†. * Echoed within business, internally and externally. * Consistent across multiple marketing & advertising mediums (print, online presence, etc). * Continually toughened within the organization so that employees consistently deliver what is promised. * Able to adapt to a changing marketplace. 22. Distribution Strategy. * Intensive distribution aims to provide saturation coverage of the market by using all available outlets such as: * Super markets, * Gyms, * Coffee Houses: Subway, Barista, Costa Coffee, Cafe Coffee Day * In n Out Convenience Stores. * Pizza Outlets. * Media Relations * Use Technology * Monitor the Web * Create Public Awareness 23. Integrated Marketing Communications Management * Sales Promotion: * Must encourage the 1 st purchase of the product in a store. * Make them aware of the product & its advantages. 24. IMC Objectives * RedBull’s IMC objective is: Sales Promotions. * Create new target markets. * Large display in the Departmental stores. * Bull Hoof stickers on the floors of departmental stores promoting RB. 25. IMC Budget 26. Internet Web site * Promotions through social networking sites such as: facebook, twitter, Hi5. * Also, Ad promos on websites such as NDTV, zoom India. 27. Media * Ad Campaigns on Prime TV channels such as NDTV good times, MTV, Channel V, Zoom, VH1, Star World & a few more. 28. Budget * Magazine: * Femina, People, Rolling Stones. * 15k per page * 12 mnths- 180,000 * Newspapers: * HT City & Delhi Times. * 1lac per page * 4 weeks * 12 mnths- 4800000 * Radio: * 10k per mnth * 12 – 120000 * TV: * 5 lacs * 4 weeks * 12 – 2400000 * Total Expense: 31,80,000 29. 30. Integrated Marketing Communication Methodologies * How do we communicate? How do customers process information? * There are many models & theories. * Thorough understanding of the audience’s needs, emotions & * activities is essential to ensure accuracy & relevance of the * message. 31. Advertising * What target market do you want to reach? * What image do you want to portray? * What product or service do you want to emphasize? * How much money can you spend? * When is the right time to advertise? * Red Bull has an aggressive marketing campaign. * Red Bull uses all the available media channels, meaning cinema, TV, radio, press and the internet. * In other words the company focuses on the media through which it reaches its primary target market-young people. * RB allows the consumers to interpret the product & the moments of use themselves. * Red Bull achieves this by a humorous and witty cartoon campaign, transferring the message that this energy drink helps you to escape by `giving you wings ?. 32. Consumer Promotions * Red Bull sponsors the motorsports or fun sports, but always where Red Bull is needed. * Red Bull does event sponsoring. * Event sponsoring attracts people’s attention towards the product and connects them. 33. Personal Selling * Sampling is another very important part of the three pillar marketing system. * As the major purpose of Red Bull is to energize the company samples at the right place at the right time, where it finds its exact target market. * Examples of usage are driving, studying, working night shifts and sports. 34. 35. Media Plan * TV: * Still a staple medium of advertising. * Allows to demonstrate the advantages of RB. * Good Reach. * Magazines: * Economical. * Provides higher brand awareness. 36. Evaluation & Control Metrics Campaign Element Metrics News Media No. of viewers of the articles Social Media No. of people using the Blogs such as Twitter, Facebook Internet & TV No. of people viewing particularly when the Ad is being aired. Print Advertisement No. Of Subscribers of those magazines, Newspapers Product Placement No.of comments (+ or – ) mentioned on social networking sites. 37. Timelines IMC/ Month Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09 Jan 10 Feb 10 Mar 10 Apr 10 May 10 RedBull on the Web Print Media Blogs Radio & TV Other Misc. * DARE TO BE DISCOVERED!!! 38. 39. Sources * http://www. rediff. com/money/2006/may/24drink. htm * http://www. thestudentroom. co. uk/showthread. php? t=986602 * http://www. trcb. com/business/marketing/redbull-marketing-strategy-7375. htm * http://www. drawert. com/red_bull_2. php http://energydrinks. factexpert. com/882-energy-drink-industry. php.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Reflection On My First Year Of College - 801 Words
Reflecting is an uncomfortable yet nurturing journey one must go through in order to recognize the inner workings of one’s being. It is through reflection that one will become more self-aware of what potential problems could develop. I find myself disquieted with the complexity of honest reflection and revealing truths about myself that are uncomfortable in accepting. Question 2 invites reflection upon how I frequently regret transferring after my first year of college. I perpetually find myself questioning why I was unsuccessful. In self- examination I believe I failed in many aspects as a first year because I lacked self- confidence. Possessing confidence within myself and in my abilities is one aspect of my identity that I struggle with daily. During my first year I struggled with confidence academically, athletically, and socially. I was not thriving academically because I did not believe I deserved to be there. I struggled athletically because I did not believe I was as talented as my teammates, and I lacked socially because I hid behind my shy persona. As a result, I took the approach of â€Å"flight†and chose to transfer in order to deal with my unsuccessfulness as a college student. However, upon reflection I believe that flight was incredibly positive for my growth as an individual spiritually, but it still lacked addressing my in securities with my self-confidence. In reflecting upon my self-confidence and the progress of this class, I become overcome with anxietyShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper : Reflections And My Mental State Of A Man Who Has Not Gone Through My Life1468 Words  | 6 PagesReflections 8/6 From what I read, I am supposedly going to become a better person by following the guide of a man who has not gone through my life and has not borne witness to my suffering. 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